Green + brownfields

Cards (6)

  • What is a brownfield site?
    An area of land that has been built on before and usually found in urban areas, older buildings are usually demolished before development takes place e.g london olympic park
  • What is a greenfield site?
    An area of land that has never been built on before and usually found on the outskirts of urban areas e.g Toyota, Burnaston, Derby
  • Benefits of developing greenfield sites
    No clean up costs which will save money
    More space available for gardens
    Often close to major motorways providing great access
    Often on the edge of cities where land is cheaper
  • Costs of developing greenfield sites
    Planning permission may be problematic
    Farmland is lost
    Conflict with nearby residents
    Damages wildlife habitats/reduces biodiversity
  • What are the benefits of developing brownfield sites in Birmingham?
    New green parks are being created to improve quality of local environment
    10,000 new jobs will be created
    Eases pressure on the nearby greenbelt which stops urban sprawl
    Unemployment is high due to the closure of the car factory in 2005 so many young people are looking forward to getting a job for the first time
  • What are the costs of developing brownfield sites in Birmingham?
    Shop owners near Northfield will lose lots of trade
    Local house prices are rising which means local people may no longer be able to afford them
    There are concerns over increased traffic problems as a result of new shops