
Cards (7)

  • What are the two large international immigration flows?
    Post colonial flows
    Post accession labour flows
  • What s a post colonial flow?
    After the second world war, people from jamaica, india pakistan were recruited by the government to work in essential services such as healthcare
  • What is a post accession labour flow?
    When the european union expended by 10 new countries, there were lots of europeans in the uk due to the ease of migration because of the free movement of people.
  • What were the pull factors resulting in a high number of EU migrants moving to the uk?
    Ease of migration - the uk, ireland and sweden allowed unlimited migration in 2004
    Good exchange rate - a few pounds were worth a lot of zloty
    Plenty of jobs and better paid jobs - there was a labour shortage in the uk e.g plumbers who are paid more in the uk than poland
  • What were the push factors for migrants to leave poland?
    High unemployment - people of working age left poland to find jobs uk
    Low average wages - the average income in the EU was 3 times as much than in poland
    low availability of housing - in 2004 there was 300 houses for every 1000 people
  • What are the social consequences for rural areas due to migrants?
    More culturally diverse so multicultural friendships can develop
    Many migrants are young males so may cause antisocial behaviour
    Birth rate increased countering the aging population
    Pressure on schools due to number of children requiring a place
    Increased congestion
    Pressure on healthcare services
  • What are the economic consequences for rural areas due to migrants?
    EU migrants are willing to do jobs that UK workers are unwilling to do e.g agriculture and food processing
    EU workers are willing to work for less money, economic benefit to the employer
    Due to the high number of migrants on low pay, its decreased the average hourly wage which has a negative impact on local people because of less disposable income
    EU migrants are tax payers and contribute to the local economy