Addition polymers

Cards (3)

  • what is a polymer? how do molecules containing C=C bond form polymers?
    • long chain molecule which is made by lots of smaller molecules joining together
    • C=C bonds open up and many smaller molecules (monomers) join together to form a chain (a polymer)
    • called an addition polymerisation reaction
  • give 3 examples of addition polymers and their uses
    • polyethene - plastic bags
    • (poly) tetrafluoroethene (PTFE) - teflon surfaces, for use in non-stick kitchenware
    • (poly) chloroethene (polyvinylchloride, PVC) - water pipes
  • what is a repeating unit of a polymer?
    • it is a smallest structure which, upon numerous translations, yields the structure of the polymer
    • in addition polymers: to draw it, take a monomer, change C=C to C-C and show additional single bonds extending away from these carbons