Schaffers stages of attachment

    Cards (11)

    • Stages of attachment
      A sequence of four identifiable stages of attachment behaviours observed in all babies as they get older
    • Stage 1: Asocial stage

      1. Babies in first few weeks show similar behaviour towards humans and inanimate objects
      2. Babies show preference for company of familiar people and are more easily comforted by them
      3. Babies are forming bonds with certain people which form basis of later attachments
    • Stage 2: Indiscriminate attachment

      1. Babies 2-7 months show clear preference for being with other humans rather than inanimate objects
      2. Babies recognise and prefer company of familiar people
      3. Babies usually accept cuddles and comfort from any person, do not show separation or stranger anxiety
    • Stage 3: Specific attachment
      1. Around 7 months, babies display classic signs of attachment to one particular person (primary attachment figure)
      2. Includes anxiety towards strangers and when separated from attachment figure
    • Stage 4: Multiple attachments

      1. Shortly after specific attachment, babies extend this to multiple attachments with other regular caregivers (secondary attachments)
      2. Majority of babies have multiple attachments by 1 year old
    • Schaffer and Emerson (1964) conducted an observational study on the formation of early infant-adult attachments
    • The study involved 60 babies - 31 boys and 29 girls, from Glasgow working-class families
    • Researchers visited babies and mothers monthly for first year and again at 18 months
    • Researchers asked mothers about babies' protest in everyday separations (measure of separation anxiety)
    • Researchers also assessed babies' stranger anxiety
    • Schaffer and Emerson's findings led them to identify four distinct stages in the development of infant attachment behaviour
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