Graph traversal is the process of visiting each vertex in a graph. Can be performed on any connected graph.
Depth-first search
A branch is fully explored before backtracking, uses a stack, used for navigating a maze.
Breadth-first search
A node is fully explored before venturing on to the next node, uses a queue, useful for determining the shortest path on an unweightedgraph.
Prefix traversal
Used for all trees, mark the left of each node, used for copying a tree.
Infix traversal
Only well defined for binary trees, mark the bottom of each node, can be used on binary search trees to output the contents in ascending order.
Postfix traversal
Can be applied to any tree, mark the right of each node, used for emptying a tree, used for infix to RPN (postfix) conversions, can be used to create an expression from an expression tree.
Tree traversal
Tree traversal is the process of visiting/updating/outputting each node in a tree
It is an algorithm
Unique to trees
Must start at the root
Works around the tree anticlockwise
Form of depth-first traversal
Three types are prefix, infix and postfix
Reverse Polish Notation
A way of writing expressions
Uses postfix notation
Operators are placed after the operands on which they operate
Converting between Infix and Postfix
Infix expressions can be converted into reverse Polish (and vice versa) by traversing an expression tree
To return an infix expression, use an in order traversal
To return a postfix expression, carry out post order traversal
Simpler expressions can be converted by observation
Why is Reverse Polish Notation used?
Reverse Polish Notation eliminates the need for brackets, simplifying expressions
It is well-suited to manipulation by a stack, so is a popular choice when working with computers
Where is Reverse Polish Notation used?
Reverse Polish Notation is used in interpreters which are based on stacks:
Searching algorithms
A searching algorithm is used to find a specified data item within a set of data.
Linear search
Can be conducted on any list, even if the data isn’t in order
Works by inspecting every item in a list one by one until the desired item is found
Very simple to program
Comparatively high time complexity of O(N)
If the target does not exist in the list, the algorithm will still check every single item in the list
Binary search
Can only be used on ordered lists
Works by looking at the midpoint of a list and determining if the target is higher or lower than the midpoint
More efficient than the linear search algorithm
Midpoint calculated by adding the first and last positions of the data, and dividing by two
The list of data is halved with each iteration
Can be implemented both iteratively and recursively
Good time complexity of O(logN)
Binary tree search
The same as a binary search, but conducted on a binary tree
A binary tree is a rooted, ordered tree in which each node has no more than 2 children
Can be implemented both iteratively and recursively
Same time complexity as binary search, O(logN)
Sorting algorithms
Used to put the elements of an array into a specific order
The binary search algorithm can only be carried out on sorted arrays, so a sorting algorithm must be used before the search if the array is not ordered
Bubble sort
Swaps adjacent items in an array until the array is in order
Has a time complexity of O(n2)
A particularly inefficient sorting algorithm
Merge sort
An example of a “divide and conquer” sorting algorithm
Divides an array into smaller arrays until each array contains just one element
When an array has just one element, it can be considered an ordered array
Arrays are then merged back together in order to form an ordered array
Has a time complexity of O(nlogn)
An efficient sorting algorithm
Optimisation algorithms
Find the best possible solution to the problem posed
An important optimisation algorithm is Dijkstra’s algorithm
Dijkstra’s algorithm
Finds the shortest path from a starting node to every other node in a network
Is similar to the breadth-first search algorithm, but keeps track of visited nodes with a priority queue rather than a standard queue
These points may be modelled as nodes in a weighted graph
Used in satellite navigation systems to find the shortest route between locations
Used in routers to send packets via the fastest route through a network