
Cards (20)

  • Def (adj.): greatly surprised or astonished; shook.
    • “I was ___ to see Nina and Emie reconcile.”
    • Flabbergasted
  • Def (adj.): greatly dismayed or horrified. Disappointed; shook; affected by strong feelings of shock and dismay
    • “I was ___ to see my Reading score for the practice SAT exam.”
  • Def (v.):  cause (someone) to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated.
    • “My older brother never failed to ___ me before my classmates.”
  • Def (v.):  revive (something that has been lost)
    Def 2: To rekindle a friendship (to become friends again). 
    • “As soon as I saw him, my feelings for him ___.”
  • Def (adj.): critical or mocking in an indirect or sarcastic way.
    • “Jennie has a ___ attitude: she often hurts her friends’ feelings.
  • Def (adj.): surprisingly impressive or notable.
    • “My cousin is an ___ student.”
  • Def (adj.): anxious or angry in a tense and overly controlled way.
    Def 2: nervous or worried and tending to become upset about something that does not make other people upset
    • “Total Drama Courtney has an ___ personality.”
  • Def (adj.): having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties. 
    • “He has always been a ___ worker; his job is his priority.
  • Def (adj.): lacking flavor. Lacking vigor or interest
    Def 2: devoid of qualities that make for spirit and character
    • “This coffee is ___: I cannot taste anything.”
    • "He has ___ character, such a vanilla"
  • Def (adj.): having or showing a confident and forceful personality; one who acts in his/her own best interests, stands up for self, expresses feelings honestly, is in charge of self in interpersonal relations, and chooses for self; “Kim is ___, not pushy: she can kindly communicate her needs.
  • Def (adj.): having or showing a composed or serious manner that is worthy of respect.
    • “The queen is ___.”
  • Def (adj.): strong and healthy; vigorous.                 
    Def 2: (of wine or food) strong and rich in flavor or smell.
    • “I come from a ___ family.”
  • Def (adj.): powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; seductive.
    • “She blessed him with an ___ glance”
  • Def (adj.): the action or fact of carrying out a task clumsily or incompetently; making or characterized by many clumsy mistakes.
    • “Mathia's attempt at the British accent was ___.”
  • Def (adj.):  accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
    • “Madame Zuri is wise and ___.”
  • Def (adj.):  present, appearing, or found everywhere.
    • "Lemonade is ___, especially during the scorching summer days”
  • Def (v.):
    • mell strongly and unpleasantly; stink.                                                     
    • “The school bathroom ___ of illicit substances”
  • Def (adj.): intoxicated; addicted to drink.
    • Uncle John is a ___ thirty-six-year-old man.”
  • Def (v.): be strongly attracted to someone or something.
    De 2: to strike sharply or heavily, especially with the hand or an implement held in the hand.
    • “As she stepped into the dull room, she __ everyone with her seraphic eyes and youthful appearance.”
  • Def (adj.): acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
    • “My parents are ___, always thinking about things that could go wrong in the future.”