UNIT ONE Social Studies vocab

Cards (42)

  • What is Hybridization?
    The blending of media and communication technologies, which results in cross-cultural consumption and new ways of expression
  • What is globalization?
    The process that makes the world's citizens increasingly interdependent economically, politically, socially, environmentally, and technologically.
  • What is Media Concentration?
    The concentration of media ownership
  • What is the CRTC?
    The public authority that regulates and promotes Canadian culture in the broadcast media
  • What does the CRTC stand for?
    Canadian Radio and Television Commission
  • What is interdependence?
    Mutual dependence
  • What are Retail Operations?
    Businesses that sell goods and services to the public
  • What are Transnationals?
    Corporations that operate in two OR more countries
    People who are citizens of more than ONE country
  • What is "Global Village"?
    The idea, popularized by Marshall McLuhan in the 1960s, that the entire world and its inhabitants are becoming one large community interconnected by technology, particularly television
  • What is Democracy?
    A political system in which the law applies equally to all people.
  • What are Traditions?
    The customs of a family OR culture
  • What is Language?
    A method of human communication either spoken OR written, in which words are combined in an agreed way
  • What is a "Pluralistic Society"?

    A society that respects and values the individual and collective opinions and identities of all people.
  • What is Assimilation?
    The absorption of a minority group by a dominant group.
  • What is popular culture?
    The set of practices, beliefs, and objects that embody the most broadly shared meanings of a social system. 
  • What is CAVCO?
    The agency that judges Canadian content in Canada's Broadcasting industry.
  • What does CAVCO stand for?
    Canadian Audio Visual Certification Office
  • What is Segregation?
    The act of separating a person or group from the rest of society or other groups.
  • What is Integration?
    The incorporation of diverse minority groups into mainstream society
  • What is Acculturation?
    Change as a result of contact with other cultural groups
  • What is Marginalization?
    The pushing of a group to the "margins" of society, where they hold little social, political, or economic power
  • What is Identity?
     The distinguishing character or personality of an individual
  • What is "Bill 101"?
    The language law in Quebec; protects and promotes the French language within the province
  • What is another name for "Bill 101"?
    The Charter of the French Language
  • What is Ethnocentric?
    The belief that one's ethnic group is the most superior over others.
  • What is Anglophone?
    English-speaking person
  • What is Francophone?
    French-speaking person
  • What are the Metis?
    A community of people mixed with European traders and Indigenous ancestry in Canada.
  • What is Homogenization?
    A trend toward uniformity, as with world popular culture as a result of globalization.
  • What is Cultural Revitalization?
    A process through which unique cultures regain a sense of identity, such as through promoting heritage languages OR reviving traditions and customs.
  • What are the Quebecois?
    A native from Quebec
  • What is Official Bilingualism?
    An official government policy under which a country OR province recognizes two official languages.
  • What is an example of official bilingualism?
    French and English in Canada
  • Who are the Maori?
    The Indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand
  • What does "CBC" stand for?
    Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
  • What is "CBC"?
    Canada's national Anglophone public broadcaster of television and radio programming
  • What is "APTN"?
    Aboriginal Canadian television network that produces programming by and for Aboriginal peoples
  • What does "APTN" stand for?
    Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
  • What is the "Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism"?
    A commission that protects and promotes the relationship between the two official languages of Canada
  • What is the "Official Languages Act Canadian Content"?
    A part of the legislation that promotes the equality of English and French within Canadian federal institutions.