The blending of media and communication technologies, which results in cross-culturalconsumption and new ways of expression
What is globalization?
The process that makes the world's citizens increasingly interdependenteconomically, politically, socially, environmentally, and technologically.
What is Media Concentration?
The concentration of media ownership
What is the CRTC?
The public authority that regulates and promotes Canadian culture in the broadcast media
What does the CRTC stand for?
CanadianRadio and Television Commission
What is interdependence?
What are Retail Operations?
Businesses that sell goods and services to the public
What are Transnationals?
Corporations that operate in two OR more countries
People who are citizens of more than ONE country
What is "Global Village"?
The idea, popularized by MarshallMcLuhan in the 1960s, that the entire world and its inhabitants are becoming one large community interconnected by technology, particularly television
What is Democracy?
A political system in which the law applies equally to all people.
What are Traditions?
The customs of a family OR culture
What is Language?
A method of human communication either spoken OR written, in which words are combined in an agreed way
What is a "Pluralistic Society"?
A society that respects and values the individual and collectiveopinions and identities of all people.
What is Assimilation?
The absorption of a minority group by a dominant group.
What is popular culture?
The set of practices, beliefs, and objects that embody the most broadly shared meanings of a social system.
What is CAVCO?
The agency that judges Canadian content in Canada's Broadcasting industry.
What does CAVCO stand for?
What is Segregation?
The act of separating a person or group from the rest of society or other groups.
What is Integration?
The incorporation of diverse minority groups into mainstream society
What is Acculturation?
Change as a result of contact with other cultural groups
What is Marginalization?
The pushing of a group to the "margins" of society, where they hold little social, political, or economic power
What is Identity?
The distinguishing character or personality of an individual
What is "Bill 101"?
The language law in Quebec; protects and promotes the French language within the province
What is another name for "Bill 101"?
The Charter of the FrenchLanguage
What is Ethnocentric?
The belief that one's ethnic group is the most superior over others.
What is Anglophone?
English-speaking person
What is Francophone?
French-speaking person
What are the Metis?
A community of people mixed with European traders and Indigenous ancestry in Canada.
What is Homogenization?
A trend toward uniformity, as with world popular culture as a result of globalization.
What is Cultural Revitalization?
A process through which unique cultures regain a sense of identity, such as through promoting heritage languages OR reviving traditions and customs.
What are the Quebecois?
A native from Quebec
What is Official Bilingualism?
An official government policy under which a country OR province recognizes two official languages.
What is an example of official bilingualism?
French and English in Canada
Who are the Maori?
The Indigenous Polynesian people of NewZealand
What does "CBC" stand for?
What is "CBC"?
Canada's national Anglophone public broadcaster of television and radio programming
What is "APTN"?
Aboriginal Canadian television network that produces programming by and for Aboriginal peoples
What does "APTN" stand for?
AboriginalPeoples Television Network
What is the "Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism"?
A commission that protects and promotes the relationship between the two official languages of Canada
What is the "Official Languages Act Canadian Content"?
A part of the legislation that promotes the equality of English and French within Canadian federal institutions.