Good Practices & Basic Requirements in Handling Lab-accumulated Waste Materials
1. Collect hazardous or flammable waste solvents in containers pending transfer or disposal.
2. Do not mix incompatible waste to avoid occurrence of heat generation, gas evolution, or other reactions.
3. Always segregate wastes according to how they will be managed.
4. Always observe the compatibility of containers & the waste contents. Always keep containers closed.
5. Provide a container (plastic or metal) for collection of liquid waste and occasionally clean the frame arresters, which can be plugged if there are sediments.
6. Do not use galvanized steel safety can for halogenated waste solvents to avoid corrosion and leaks.
7. Label the waste containers with their contents clearly and properly.
8. Cap the waste containers after use.
9. Separately collect aqueous wastes from organic solvent wastes.
10. Place solid chemical wastes in a labeled container prior to disposal.
11. Dispose non-hazardous solid wastes using the lab trash or segregate them for recycling.