
Cards (8)

  • The Hoare-Laval Pact was signed in 1935
  • What was the Hoare-laval Pact?
    The Hoare-Laval Pact gave Italy Abysinnia in 1935 and was signed by the British and the French after Italian aggression.
  • What was the Acerbo law 1923
    Gave the party with 25% of votes, 2/3 control of the parliament
  • What did the Fascist party do to the opposition in 1924
    Murdered Matteotti after he denounced Fascism
  • What was ONB
    Opera Nazionalle Balilla - A youth program that aimed to indoctrinate youth
  • what was the ​​Lateran Treaty (1929)

    recognized the sovereignty of the Vatican City and established Catholicism as the state religion of Italy
  • What were the results of the Battle of Grain in the first year 1925
    50% increase in grain production
  • Historian says Italy's propaganda created a 'political religion'
    Emilio Gentile