neo marxism

Cards (12)

  • humanistic neo-Marxist
    • Gramsci concept of hegemony = dominance in society of the ruling class ideology and the acceptance of and consent to by the rest society
    • voluntarism = working class choose to accept the ruling class ideology
  • humanistic neo marxism - ruling class dominance is maintained by
    • coercion
    • consent
  • humanistic neo-marxism - coercion
    • the ruling class dominance is maintained by the used of the army, police and other government agencies to force other classes to accept ruling class ideology
  • humanistic neo-marxism - consent
    • the ruling class dominance is maintained by using ideas and values to persuade the other class that ruling class ideology is legitimate
  • neo-marxism - reasons why ruling class hegemony is never complete:
    1. ruling class are the minority - to maintain their rule they must create alliances with other groups such as the middle class
    2. duel consciousness - working class can see through the dominant ideology to certain extent - influenced by the bourgeoisie ideas but also by their material conditions
  • neo-marxism - organic intellectuals
    • class conscious workers who organise themselves into a revolutionary political party who will help to create the counter-hegemony
  • structural neo-marxism - state apparatus
    1. repressive state apparatus - police, CJS, military, coercion
    2. ideological state apparatus - media, education, family, manipulation
  • structural neo-marxism - structural determinism
    1. economic level - all activities which produce something to meet a need - dominates capitalism
    2. political level - all forms of organisation including the RSA's which coerce workers into the false class consciousness
    3. ideological level - the ways people see themselves and the world - including ISA's which socialise and manipulate people into FCC
  • structural neo-marxism - relative autonomy
    • partial autonomy from the economic level
    • the political and ideological levels are more that a reflection of the economic level but there is in fact 2 way causality
    • economic level dominates capitalism but the political and ideological function are indispensable as well
  • humanistic neo-marxism
    • counter hegemony created by the working class will over throw the cultural hegemony of the ruler class - developing socialism
  • humanistic neo-marxism - AO3
    • under-emphasising the role of coercive political and economic forces in holding back the formation of a counter-hegemonic bloc
    • workers may be unable to form revolutionary vanguards because of the threat of state-violence
  • structural neo-marxism - AO3
    • discourages political activism by suggesting that individuals can do little to change society
    • ignores examples of working class struggles changing society
    • THOMPSON - Althusser is elitist and suggests people follow communist party blindly