
Cards (22)

  • malestream -
    means viewing social phenomena mainstream and usual, from the point of view of the man, without regard to gender
  • three waves of feminism
    1. early 1990s
    Suffragettes striving for women's votes
    Emmeline Pankhurst
  • three waves of feminism
    2. 1960s
    "private made political" -
    Gloria Steinem
    Bring women's issues into the public sphere such as abortion, contraception and domestic violence
  • three waves of feminism
    3. 1990s
    Focus on ssues such as gender representations in the media and sexual harassment
  • WALBY - 6 structures of patriarchy
    1. the state
    2. violence
    3. domestic labour
    4. paid work
    5. sexuality
    6. culture
  • WALBY - 6 structures of patriarchy
    The state
    • government run by men so policies and laws tend to favour men's interests
  • WALBY - 6 structures of patriarchy
    • men are able to use their physicality to intimidate women
  • WALBY - 6 structures of patriarchy
    Domestic labour
    • women still complete the majority of domestic labour even though there is no reason for this
  • WALBY - 6 structures of patriarchy
    Paid work
    • women earn less than men and they are overwhelmingly in low paid and part-time work
  • WALBY - 6 structures of patriarchy
    • the difference in how men and women sexuality is perceived.
    • Women = sluts
    • men = player
  • WALBY - 6 structures of patriarchy
    • portrayal of women and culture and the media is often in a sexual way or in a way that reinforces women's lower status
  • general features of feminism
    1. there are inequalities between men and women based on power and status
    2. inequalities create conflict between men and women
    3. gender roles and inequalities are generally socially constructed
    4. the importance of the concept of patriarchy: a system of social structures and practices which men dominate, oppress and exploit women
  • Liberal feminism - OAKLEY and SHARPE
    • believes that equality should be brought about through education and policy changes
    • try to change the system from within
  • liberal feminism AO3
    • overly optimistic about the amount of progress that has been made
    • deals with the effects of patriarchy not the causes
  • radical feminism - GREER
    • believe equality can only be achieved through gender separation and political lesbianism
    • change is brought about through protest and violence
  • radical feminism AO3
    • gives other forms of feminism a bad reputation
    • in this theory gender equality is never fully achieved
  • Marxist feminism - BARTLETT
    • believe the capitalism is the cause of women's oppression and that this oppression helps to reinforce capitalism
    • done in three ways
    • women as reserve workforce
    • creation of the next generation of workers
    • cushioning effect - ZARETSKY
  • marxist feminism - AO3
    • revolution is required for equality and it hasn't happened yet
    • patriarchy exists in non-capitalist societies
    • it is men not capitalism that benefit from women's oppression
  • intersectional feminism- BUTLER
    • believes that other feminists create a false universality of women's oppression, based on the experiences of Western, middle class white women
    • different groups of women will experience oppression differently and each of these experiences needs to be
  • intersectional feminism - AO3
    • focuses on the minutia of oppression which lessens the impact and power of feminism as a whole
  • duel systems feminism - HARTMAN and WALBY
    • combines the ideas of the radical and Marxist feminists and suggests that women are oppressed by two different systems
    • capitalism
    • patriarchy
  • duel systems feminsims - AO3
    • patriarchy is not a system in the same way as capitalism instead it is a descriptive term for practices such as male violence and control of women's labour