Wilson was special adviser to President Reagan, influenced zero tolerance policies
all 3 strikes have to be violent crimes (except for California where the third strike could be any type of crime)
law led to overcrowding in prisons
led to people being sentenced for life even though their third crime were minor, but due to their previous crimes being violent it led to longer sentences
claims that the crime rate is increasing because of a growing underclass who fail to socialise their children properly.
welfare dependency
perverse incentives in the welfare system that could encourage lone parenthood and discourage work.
absent fathers mean boys lack paternal figure for discipline - turn to delinquency
felson - routine activity theory
argues for crime to occur, there must be a motivated offender, a suitable target and the absence of a guardian (police)
as offenders act rationally, presence of police will most likely deter them
wilson - rational choice
‘If the supply and value of legitimate opportunities (i.e. jobs) was declining at the same time that the cost of illegitimate opportunities (i.e. fines and jail terms) was also declining, a rational teenager might well conclude that it made more sense to steal cars than to wash them.’
criticisms of right realism
ignores wider structural causes e.g poverty
doesntly explain impulsive or violent crime - not all offenders act rationally
doesn't look a root cause of crime
NYPD zero tolerance policing
first introduced in New York in 1994 and was widely applauded for reducing crime.
the city was in the grip of a crack-cocaine epidemic and suffered high levels of antisocial and violent crime.
Within a few years of Zero Tolerance, however, crime had dropped from between 30 – 50%.
young - myth of zero tolerance
argues that its ‘success’ (of NYPD zero tolerance policing) was a myth peddled by politicians and police keen to take the credit for falling crime.
the crime rate in New York had already been falling since 1985 – nine years before zero tolerance
claim that they only started arrested people with minor deviancy to make it look like crime rates had decreased