Paper 3 ~ Alevel Geography ~ Key Words

Cards (12)

  • Causality
    The relationship between cause and effect; the idea that a cause is responsible for something happening.
  • Feedback
    The consequence of the action of one component of a system on another that causes a reciprocal impact; positive feedback occurs when the consequences causes more or greater actions, and negative feedback feedback occurs when the consequence reduces the number of action.
  • Globilsation
    The processes through which the world has become more interconnected and interdependent, socially, economically and poltically.
  • Risk
    The possibility of people, communities or people suffering damage or loss of life from a hazardous event.
  • Sustainability
    Meeting the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet thier needs; covering the state of natural environment, social envirobment and economic environment.
  • System
    A linkage of parts that work together through inputs and outputs to create a process; the components within the system are connected to form a working whole. Open systems are where matter and energy move into and out of the system. Closed systems are where energy may transfer into or out of the system but matter does not.
  • Threshold
    The level at which sudden change occurs within a system, sometimes called a critical threshold.
  • Identity
    The sense of belonging and attachment to a place by an indvidual, group or community; linked to the real or perceived key characteristcs of a place.
  • Inequaility
    Unequal or unjust patterns linked to a lack of opportunities, treatments of people, or status of people.
  • Interdependence
    The reliance on economic, social or poltical links to maintain benifits for two or more countries or groups of people.
  • Mitigation and Adaption
    Mitigations meaures are interventions by people, organisations or goverments to reduce or prevent something happening. Adaptation are adjustments to reduce harmful consequences and maximise benifits.
  • Resilience
    The ability of people, a community or a place to withstand, absorb or overcome a disurbance so that impacts are minimised.