
Cards (3)

    • Seen as thanksgiving of sacrifice from Jesus - "This is my body, which is given for you."
    • "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood will have eternal life." - compulsory, gospel sacrament
    • "Take and eat, this is my body." "Drink from it, all of you, this my blood."
  • Significance of Eucharist:
    • Transubstantiation - Catholics believe during Eucharist, bread and wine transforms into actual flesh and blood of Christ
    • Commeration - some Christians believe Eucharist is re-enactment of Last Supper - bread and wine are emblems of Christ's sacrifice
    • Symbolism - Protestants believe bread and wine are symbolic and used to bring people together
    • Mystical - some Christians believe Jesus is mystically present in bread and wine
    • Consubstansiation - CoE Christians believe bread and wine contain Jesus' spiritual presence but is not transubstantiation
  • Celebration of Eucharist:
    • Collection of money - represents people giving lives to God
    • Shaking hands - sign of peace
    • Consecration - bread and wine is made holy
    • Prayer to help suffering of others