5.11 Living and farming on Plains

Cards (4)

  • Why did people move to the Plains?
    Homestead Act 1862 - offered 160 acres of land free for 5 years
    1860s had good period of rain
    • land was cheap
    • railroad companies advertised Plains as a good place to farm
    • formerly enslaved people could buy land escaping south
    1880s banking crisis meant lots of unemployment
    railroads meant good could be sold more easily
    • new technology mean water could be extracted easier
  • What difficulties were there on the plains?
    • Plains far away from big town - finding supplies difficult and people left lonely
    • no trees on Plains
    • lack of wood to burn meant houses in winter were cold
    • lack of clean water meant disease like cholera were common and killed many
    buffalo and wild cattle tramped crops
    • ploughing land was difficult - never ploughed before
  • What extreme weather did people experience on the Plains?
    harsh winds - destroyed crops
    • extreme heat - caused fires and plants struggled to grow due to lack of water
  • What solutions did Homesteaers come up with?
    • made houses of sod (earth) bricks - meant it could be built quick and low cost
    communities of shops, farmers, churches and schools formed
    • wind pumps - took advantage of wind to draw water
    turkey red - crop which needed less water
    dry farming - put layer of dry soil over wet soil
    barbed-wire was cheap and enclosed large area
    woman and homesteaders worked together to plough land
    children collected buffalo chips which could be burned for cooking and heating