End 2 – Imperial chamber court and Georg Wilhelm Dumler's letter
1. Complaints started reaching the Imperial Chamber Court
2. Appointed by Ferdinand
3. von Dornheim sent two witch commissioners to the Diet of Regensburg, but they were unconvinced
4. Ferdinand criticised von Dornheim and ordered the trial documents should be sent for review
5. von Dornheim sent copies which angered Ferdinand
6. Ferdinand discovered that 25 people had been arrested for witchcraft when von Dornheim claimed that there were none
7. Dumler sent a letter to Ferdinand stating that insufficient evidence was being used and false accusations were common and were heard in secret
8. Ferdinand said he would punish those responsible and that trials should follow the rules of the Carolina Code
9. von Dornheim still in charge
11. Letter showed what was really happening and how they trials weren't following legal processes
12. von Dornheim's decline in power (he originally led the witch hunts)