the government wanting to keep a CPI of 2% to avoid inflation or disinflation
what is the aim of sustainable growth
to increase real GDP in order to increase economic wellbeing
what's the aim of reducing unemployment
to reduce the number of people out of work to reduce beneiftclaim and increase tax revenue
what is the government budget position
the relationship between government spending and tax revenue it can either be a deficit or a surplus
why do the government want a stable budget position
any deficit has to be financed by additionalborrowing worsening the national debt
what is the balance of payments
the relationship between flows in and out of the UK economy
what is meant by the redistribution of income
tax wealthier people more and redistribute through benefits
what is real GDP
the income, output or expenditure within an economy with adjusting the figures for inflation
what is GDP per Capita
GDPperperson - allows for comparisons between economies
define a recession
twoconsecutive quarters of negative economic growth
how is inflation measured
consumerspricesindex - CPI
what is meant by the weighted basket of goods
650+ goods and services the average family spends the most on with things the average family spends ore on given a greater significance in the calculation
what are the 3 other ways to measure inflation
-factory gateinflation
what is core inflation
inflation without food or fuel as these commodities are very volatile
what is the retail prices index
the same as CPI but includes house prices
what is factory gate inflation
looks at the price charged by producers not paid by consumers
define unemployment
when a person is not in work, education or training and is actively seeking employment whilst claiming jobseekers allowance
what are the 4 ways to measure unemployment
-unemployment rate
what is the claimant count
the number of people claiming job seekers allowance
what is the labour force survey
includes unemployed people who ae not able to claimjob seekers allowance
what is the unemployment rate
percentage of working population not in work
what is the employment rate
the percentage o workingpeople ho are employed
what is the employment rate + unemployment rate
it is not 100% due to economicallyinactive people
how does productivity benefit the economy
hepe businesseslower cost per unit making them more competitive
what is an index number
a way of presentingdata for easier comparison
how does an index number work
each number is given as a percentage of an actual number from the base year