there are still many diseases for which there are no effective treatments
some antibiotic treatments are becoming less effective
new medicine can be discovered in a number of ways
Accidental discovery
antibiotic penicillin was an accidental discovery by Alexander Fleming - well documented
the fungus Penicillin releases compounds that kill bacteria
classic example of how science works - a scientist makes an observation + sets out to explain what he or she had seen
→it was the work of Florey and Chain, who purified penicillin, that really demonstrated the potential value of antibiotics
→showing how important it is for scientist to work together
Traditional remedies
morphine has its origins in the use of sap from unripe poppy seed-heads; opium from poppies was used as an anaesthetic + 19th century morphine + opium were being used
→ these opiate drugs reduce nervous action in the central nervous system; if the nerves can’t carry impulses, then no pain is felt
medicinal use of willow-bark extract to relieve pain + fever has a long history
→after discovery of its active ingredient, a way was later found to reduce side effect of stomach bleeding, by adding an acetyl group, leading to the development of the drugs aspirin + ibuprofen
Observation of wildlife
many animals make use of plants with medicinal properties
e.g. monkeys, bears + other animals rub citrus oils on their coats as insecticides + antiseptics in order to prevent insect bites and infection
birds line their nests with medicinal leaves in order to protect chicks from blood-sucking mites
Further plant research
scientists isolate the active ingredient found in plants for traditional remedies
→can be then analysed + similar molecules can be manufactured
new chemical fingerprinting technology enables scientists to screen natural chemicals more effectively for their activity as potential medicines
Research onto disease-causing mechanisms
pharmaceutical companies conduct research on how microorganisms cause disease
many make use of plasma membranes e.g HIV virus binds to CD4 + CCR5 receptors on surface Th cells
if binding between pathogen + receptor site can be blocked, then disease-causing pathogen cannot gain access to the cell
→the glycoprotein receptor molecules can be isolated + sequenced + once amino acid sequence is known, molecular modelling can be used to determine of receptor
Research onto disease-causing mechanisms 2
next step is to find drug that mimics shape of receptor + could be used to find virus itself, which would block virus from entering T helper cells
→ in a similar way, drugs that inhibit action of certain enzymes can also be developed
Personalised medicine
sequencing technology + molecular modelling have huge potential for future medicine
it is possible to screen genomes of plants for microorganisms to identify potential medicinal compounds from DNA sequences
→once technology is fully developed, maybe possible to sequence genes from individuals with a particular condition to develop specific drugs for the condition; known as personalised medicine
Synthetic Biology
molecules mimicking biological systems is one form of synthetic biology
another way synthetic biology is used is to design to construct new devices + system that may be useful in research, healthcare or in manufacturing e.g. development of tomatoes which contain pigment anthocyanin
→this pigment is found in fruit such as blueberries + specific health benefits; they are antioxidants + help protect against coronary heart disease
Antibiotic use + abuse
antibiotics prevent growth of fungi or bacteria
most antibiotic currently in use as derivation of a compound made by bacteria from genus Streptomyces
overuse + misuse of antibiotics have enabled microorganisms to develop resistance, and many current antibiotics have limited effectiveness as a result
→ some bacteria have become infamous for their multiple to a range of antibiotics including Clostridium difficile (C. diff) + methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus