Seems like it is something out of a Dutch painting - the author is educated and only looking back on his life as a child
"soft, sud-luscious, saved for him from the rain-butt"
Use of sibilance mimics the sound of water
"he once turned his eyes upon me, Hyperborean, beyond-the-north-wind blue two peepholes to the locked room I saw into every time his name was mentioned"
Hyperborean is a Greek utopia
Allows him a look into the doctors soul and his skills - whenever the doctor's name is said he recalls that feeling
Educated and childish at the same time
Asclepius and Hygeia
Greek god of healing
His daughter - Goddess of Hygiene
"'incubation' was technical and ritual, meaning sleep, when epiphany occurred and you met the god..."
Incubation - a place where frail, immature living things were kept warm e.g. babies
Epiphany - reference to the ancient religious belief that a dream where Asclepius would come to you and tell you what you have to do to become healed
Ends with an ellipsis as the poet moves to a hallucinatory experience
"And then as he dipped and laved in the generous suds again, miraculum, the baby bits all came together swimming"
Speaker's own hallucination when he fainted in Lourdes
The description mirrors the experience of being born, exploring the idea of birth and epiphany
Past and present blended through hallucinations and language - childish metaphors juxtapose with educated language
"I wanted nothing more than to lie down under hogweed, under seeded grass"
Unclear why he wants to do this - could link to the idea of humbling himself in front of the gods
Blistering and painful
"The haven of light she was, the undarkening door"
Hygeia 'undarkens' Dr Kerlins 'darkened door' - references the beginning of the poem
She is the 'haven of light' - links to idea that through hallucinations, the Greek Gods and memories of a Christian pilgrimage, the poet has achieved purification
"whisper of triumph"
Climax of the poem - brings its events to a conclusion - despite all his knowledge of science, religious and medicine the triumph belongs to women as they can achieve everything he did with his life just through the act of childbirth