Cards (6)

  • Structure
    • The ‘narrowness’ of the poem is quite unusual, with the short lines likely to be noticed by a reader, as it could be interpreted as giving a ‘never ending’ feeling with there being line after line of text; reflecting the feeling when phoning a customer service helpline
  • "I have a wonderful telephone number and a great account number"

    • Ironically exaggerated responses from the robot makes them even more meaningless - the hyperbolic responses are of no help - they are lifeless but human - sinister
    • Sarcastic and humorous - frustration is useless because the robot won't care
  • "This is the future, my wife says"

    • Refrain is repeated throughout the poem - his wife has accepted her fate in the society and has become submissive to technological advancements
    • Establishes the theme of the poem
  • "Or you can say Agent if you'd like to talk to someone real, who is just as robotic"

    • Robots are restricting our language
    • Technology has drained humans of sensitivity - wife and the robot presented in similar ways - ironic
  • "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. Please Hold. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. Please Hold"

    • Repetition is frustrating again - shows cyclical structure that humanity is stuck in because of technology
    • Translates to 'a little night music' but Mozart - soft lullaby contrasts to anger
    • Cold society destroys beautiful music - technology destroys art
  • Themes
    • Technology
    • Entrapment
    • Age