1. Brought up by his uncle Jasper, the Earl of Pembroke, at Pembroke Castle in Wales
2. Considered part of the castle's fixtures and fittings when the Yorkist William Herbert took over the guardianship of the 4-year-old Henry and his mother
3. Fled with Jasper when the Lancastrians were briefly restored to power, only to be defeated again
4. Spent the next phase of his life under the protection of the Duke of Brittany
In 1483, Edward IV died, his young son was declared King Edward V, but instead of being crowned, he and his younger brother were hidden away in the Tower of London by their uncle Richard, who then had himself crowned King Richard III
Richard III's only legitimate heir, his young son, died in 1484, opening an opportunity for the Lancastrians with Henry Tudor as their man to take over
Henry Tudor and his backers had to invade England to carry out their plan, as Richard III was a powerful and experienced military leader backed by a large army
Henry VII spent a lot of energy on planning his succession, with his favorite son Arthur as his pride and joy, appointed as Prince of Wales and married to Catherine of Aragon