The topic is developed by defining a term connected to the topic
Defining a term
1. Term - the word to be defined
2. Genus - where the term belongs and can be classified
3. Differentia or differentiation - the remaining parts and other information revolving on the term that is defined, the factor that distinguishes an entity, state, or class from another
The primary, explicit, or literal definition of a word. The meaning of a word based on a dictionary.
The secondary meaning of a word, not necessarily included in the dictionary, how people understand a word based on their own personal or consensual experiences
Example, Illustration, or Exemplification
Illustrates the idea being developed, reinforces the statement or makes the ideas clear
Listing, enumerating, and giving examples to elaborate a topic or subject
Provides specific instances to support a claim
Techniques to establish credibility in arguments
Visual illustrations
Appealing to the audience's logic, using facts and well-supported claims
Appealing to the audience's emotions
The appeal to credibility, being a credible, reputable, and respectable source of information
Types of audience
Supportiveaudience- spectators who are already briefed on the issue at hand
Waveringaudience- not readily accepting your ideas
Hostileaudience- most difficult to please and to win
Analogy, Comparison and Contrast
Analogy for citing similarities
Contrast for citing differences
Comparison for comparingobjects or ideas by pointing out similarities and differences
Direct comparison between or among objects, using "like" or "as"
Indirect comparison between or among objects
Two seemingly opposite terms juxtaposed
Non-humans are assigned human characteristics and/or actions
Cause and Effect
Identifying the causes and effects of a particular situation, event, or phenomenon
Causal chains - paths of influence running from a root cause to problem symptoms
Explanation or Discussion
Aims at the reader's understanding, giving directions, explaining a process, comparing or contrasting, interpreting a statement, explaining a theory
Grouping items into categories, describing various classes related to one category of things
Consistency - parallelsimilarities in the divisions
Exclusiveness - nooverlapping between or among the items
Completeness - noimportant part is omitted
VisualIllustration-sense of sight
Facts- these are concepts, ideas and statement that are assumed to be true
VisualIllustration- brief narratives within a piece of writing
Details- entails analyzing, breakdown a concept or idea