
Cards (15)

  • what indicates rate of respiration?
    oxygen intake and volume of CO2 produced
  • Respirometers are used to measure oxygen intake (aka, rate of aerobic respiration)
  • Apparatus
    • Respirometer: Device to measure oxygen consumption.
    • Glass Beads: Used as a control to ensure that changes in gas volume are due to respiration.
    • Germinating Seeds: Actively respiring organisms consuming oxygen.
    • Test Tubes: Containers for the experiment.
    • Soda-Lime Pellets (or Potassium Hydroxide): Absorb carbon dioxide produced during respiration.
    • Stopwatch: To measure time intervals accurately.
    • Capillary Tube: Part of the respirometer to measure the movement of manometer fluid.
  • Setting up the respirometer
    1. Place the germinating seeds in one test tube
    2. Place an equal volume of glass beads in the second test tube as a control
  • Soda-lime pellets or potassium hydroxide
    Added to each test tube to absorb the CO2 produced during respiration
  • Running the experiment
    1. Seal the test tubes with the respirometer apparatus
    2. Start the stopwatch and run the experiment for a set duration (e.g., 30 minutes)
  • What happens in the test tube as seeds respire
    • Seeds consume oxygen, decreasing the air volume in the test tube
    • CO2 produced is absorbed by soda lime or KOH, reducing the pressure
  • Manometer fluid movement

    Indicates the pressure change in the respirometer setup, moving towards the test tube containing the seeds
  • Measuring the rate of oxygen consumption

    1. Measure the distance moved by the manometer fluid in a set time (e.g., 30 minutes)
    2. Use this distance to calculate the change in gas volume
  • Resetting the respirometer apparatus
    1. Allow air to re-enter the tubes via the screw cap
    2. Use the syringe to reset the manometer fluid to its starting position
  • Repeating the experiment
    • To ensure accuracy
    • Calculate the average volume of oxygen consumed across trials
  • Formula for calculating the volume of oxygen consumed
    Volume = π()h
  • In the formula π(r²)h, 'r' represents
    Radius of the capillary tube (cm)
  • In the formula π(r²)h, 'h' represents
    Distance moved by the manometer fluid (cm)
  • Rate of respiration
    Volume of oxygen consumed per unit time (cm³ min⁻¹)