Contrasting global cities

Cards (11)

  • What are two contrasting global cities you have learnt about?
    London and Mumbai
  • What are the reasons for population growth in london?
    Migration - due to job opportunities
    Natural increase - birth rate is higher than death rate
  • What are the current challenges london is facing?
    Poverty and deprivation - some areas are wealthy however some are deprived such as Newham
    Housing provision and quality - house prices are too high, forcing people on low incomes to live in poor quality housing
    Transport - increased commuters putting pressure on transport, large amounts of people driving cars which release co2
    Waste disposal - due to a large wealthy population, goes to landfill sites which release methane
  • Where is Mumbai located?
    On the west coast of india and has a population of 18 million
  • What are the reasons of population growth of people in Mumbai?
    Rural - urban migration
    Natural increase
  • Why are people being pulled to mumbai?
    Better job opportunities - Large MNCs locate there such as Tata steel which creates jobs
    Higher wages
    Better living conditions and better access to healthcare
  • Which 4 main things have been but in place to improve the standard of living in LICs
    Self help schemes
    Slum clearance
    Housing projects
    Mass transit schemes
  • Who are self help schemes set up by and how does it work?

    They are small scale bottom up strategies where NGOs work with local people to improve their quality of life
    An example of this is a micro - credit scheme which informal workers can begin to save small amounts of money, take small loans with low interest
    An example of an organisation which does this is the Vandana Foundation
  • Who are slum clearance programme's set up by and how does it work?

    Vision mumbai
    Clearing away slum housing and building 1.1 million low cost homes, which would reduce the number of people living in slum housing from 60% to 10 to 20%
  • Who are housing projects set up by and how does it work?

    Bhendi Bazzar
    A plan to demolish 250 buildings and replace them with 17 high rise tower blocks, the development is sustainable because:
    CCTV to improve safety
    Solar panels to generate electricity
    Sewage treatment and water recycling to flush toilets
  • How do Mass transit schemes work?
    Large scale public transport system in an urban area, NICs have introduced them to improve connectivity and make public transport more accessible e.g sao paulo have built new motorways to connect suburban areas with the city centre which enables people to commute