Cards (16)

    1. Cranial - towards the head
  • 2. Caudal – towards the tail
  • 3. Rostral – towards the tip of the nose
  • 4. Proximaltowards the body
  • 5. Distalaway from the body
  • 6. Palmar – “Back” of forelimb from carpus distally
  • 7. Plantar – “Back” of hindlimb from tarsus distally
  • 8. Dorsal – Towards the back
  • 9. Ventral – Towards the belly
  • 10. LateralAway from the median plane
  • 11. MedialTowards the median plane
  • 12. Sagittal Plane – a plane that runs the length of the body and divides it into left and right parts that are not necessarily equal parts.
  • 13. Median Plane / Mid-sagittal Plane – A special kind of sagittal plane that runs down the center of the body lengthwise and divides it into equal left and right halves.
  • 14. Transverse Plane – A plane across the body that divides it into cranial (headend) and caudal (tail-end) parts that are not necessarily equal.
  • 15. Dorsal Plane – A plane at right angles to the sagittal and transverse planes. It divides the body into dorsal and ventral parts that are not necessarily equal.
    A) lateral medial
    B) dorsal
    C) ventral
    D) dorsal planes
    E) plantar
    F) dorsal
    G) transverse planes
    H) distal
    I) sagittal planes
    J) median planes
    K) cranial
    L) caudal
    M) proximal
    N) dorsal
    O) palmar
    P) cranial
    Q) caudal
    R) ventral
    S) dorsal
    T) ventral
    U) dorsal
    V) rostral