testable - scientific knowledge can be tested and retested
theoretical - seeks casual relationships and doesn't seek to simply describe but to explain
cumulative - builds on previous knowledge
objective - personal feelings, prejudices have no place in science - unbiased
Falsification - POPPER
sociology is not a science but it could be
falsification - POPPER
idea that a statement can be falsified by evidence
good theory = stands up to any attempts to disprove it
Popper = sociology at present is not a science because its theories and statements are not able to be put to the test
Marxist - there will be a revolution to overthrow capitalism but this revolution has not yet occurred due to falseclassconsciousness - cannot be falsified
popper - could be a science as it is capable of producing testable hypothesis
sociology is and should be considered a science
reality exists outside and independently of the mind - can be studied objectively
social facts = make up rules of society which are separate and independent of individuals
society can be studied in the same way as the natural world and patterns can be observed and analysed to create the social facts which rule society
inductive reasoning - involves accumulating data about the world through careful observation and measurement
theory can be formed and verified through further study
remains value free and patterns and causation can be established
Paradigms - KUHN
sociology is not a science but it could be
Paradigms - KUHN
paradigm = basic framework of assumptions, principles and methods from which the members of the community work
set of norms which tell a scientist how to think and behave
there is a single paradigm that all scientists accept uncritically
sociology doesn't have a single paradigm - rival schools of thought and no fundamental agreement - pre-paradigmatic
could become a science if it develops a singlefundamental belief system
postmodernist - single paradigm is not desirable in sociology - too close to being a meta-narrative
Realists - KEAT AND URRY
sociology could be a science depending on definition of science
Realists - KEAT AND URRY
recognise there are some similarities between sociology and natural science depending on the amount of control the researcher has over their variables
closed systems - researchers can control and measure all the relevant variables and therefore can make predictions - chemistry
open systems - the researcher is not able to control and measure all the variables so cannot make precisepredictions due to complex nature of the subject area - meteorology
sociology = open system as there are often complex systems and multiple variables that the research cannot control
sociology cannot and should not be a science e
sociology and science differ in two major areas
Observable v unobservable - sociology is concerned with unobservableinternal meaning behind action whereas natural sciences deal with the observablecause and effect
Consciousness - natural sciences studies matter and therefore behaviour can be explained as a reaction to external stimulus whereas sociology deals with consciousbeings who make sense of the world by attaching meaning to action - not directly linked to external stimulus