geo 3

Cards (32)

  • Brownfield sites are good to build on. What extent do you agree with this (6marks)
    -many economic and social benefits
    - they help to regenerate urban areas.
    -Where there are runned down areas they can build on top of them so the place looks more aesthetic, attracting more tourists to spend money.
  • Agree point 2
    -They are better than building on greenfield sites because greenfield sites involve building on farmlands and habitats
    -this damages the environment which is endangeres and should be protected
    - Therefore i belive that it is more beneficial to build on brownfield sites
  • Disagree point 3
    -Some other people may disagree with this statement because greensites have some positives
    -they are often cheaper
    -economic benefit because now the government can spend money on more development in the area.
  • Conclusion
    I still believe that building on brownfiel sites are better as they already have road networks, electricity and water which is very beneficial for the environment.
  • Tudeley Village development should not have gone ahead
    Most importanat issue is that it would be built on valuable greenfield land.
    Figure 3 states 'The land is part of an area of open countryside' and would be turned into an urban landscape. Ancient woodland and recreational space would be lost.
    This leads to a loss of habitat and vauable farmland being lost.
    I ceartainly velieve that the development is not a good proposal.
  • piont 2
    - Additional traffic and parking issues.
    -not a sustainable settlement a mon avis
    -B2017 already suffers from significcant congestion 2,800 will only add to this
    - more air pollution noise pollution and road safety issues
    - workers and deliveries can get delayed in traffic
  • point 3
    -Certainly help with the government's aim to build 300,000 new homes per year so some people may support this proposal.
    - i would argue the majority of these houses should be built on brownfield sites
    - would lead to less destruction of habitats + fewer congestion in rural areas.
  • Conclusion
    The negative environmental issues would definitely outweigh the social benefits, so i would recommend that the proposal is turned down.
  • Physical geography
    Sand dune Vegetation Cover Survey at Blackpool
  • Hypothesis
    As distance from the beach increases, sand dune vegetation coverage also increases.
  • Theory
    Embryo dunes near to the foreshore of beaches are not as developed as foredunes and backdunes, and therefore have less vegetation.
  • Method
    - started at the start of first dune the went up in 5m intervals and recorded the % of vegetation
    - worked in groups of 5 + used tape measrure to measure intervals
    - At each 5m we put a quadrat down then estimated the vegetation covered.
    - We were given a visual guide to show us how 5% and 10%, ect.
    - To get a larger sample of results I also randomly selected two other groups' results and made a note of those.
    - The results were then presented as a scatter graph.
  • Sampling technique
    Systematic sampling=
    data was taken at 5m intervals.
  • Risks
    - Slips + falls- heavy rain = slippy rocks
    - Large waves- drowning
  • Risk action
    - aviod silly behaviour
    - avoid slipy rocks
    - do survey at low tide- minimal risk of waves
  • Results
    Scatter graph : good for paried numerical data
    - clearly show how much one variable is affected by another.
    - can show multiple data sets
  • Conclusion
    I found that sand dunes vegetation cover tends to increase as distance from the beach increases. My results support my hypothesis.
  • Problem
    Tape measure not held tightly
    result: I might not have gone back the whole 50 meters
    conc: less confident
  • Problem
    Hard to estimate vegetation coverage due to lack of time
    result: maybe innacurate
    conc: less confident
  • Problem
    We only went back 50 meters from beach which wasn't far enough
    result: sample has a limited number of results
    conc: not enough results to give a suitable conclusion
  • Human gepgraphy
    Tourism Impact Assessment at Blackpool
  • Hypotheses
    As distance inland from Blackpool beach increases, the impact of tourism decreases.
  • Theory
    Tourism at a UK seaside resorts tend to be centered on the beach so effects are more visible there and decrease as you move further away.
  • Method
    - we chose 3 locations
    - 1st location was Blackpool Beach
    - 2nd was 250 meters inland in a straight line heading east
    - 3rd was 500 meters inland heading east
    - we assessed the impacts of tourism and 5 negative impacts.
    - each impact was marked out of 10 depending on how much evidence we could see.
    - I added up all the positive marks and all of the negatuve marks at each location then created a bar chart showing the total marks at each location.
  • Sampling technique
    systematic sampling-
    data was taken at 250 metre intervals as we moved inland from the beach
  • Risks
    Danger of falling into the roads
    Danger of vehicles when crossing roads
  • Risk action
    We were kept well away from the sides of the roads
    We only crossed roads at pedestrian crossings with guidance from teachers.
  • Results
    We displayed our results by drawing a bar chart:
    - it clearly shows the effectsof tourism as you move away from the beach
    - shows individual marks given
  • Conclusion
    Most impacts were at site 1, so my results support my hypothesis that impacts of tourism in Blackpool decrease as you move inland from the beach.
  • Problem
    We were in a big group
    results: some of the group could have created the noise, litter, etc.
    conc: I may have found more impacts of tourism at some locations- affecting confidence in my conclusion
  • Problem
    Limited time
    results: might have missed some impacts of tourism
    conclusion: same as 1st problem
  • Problem
    We were located near to busy roads
    result: might have given more marks for 'traffic congestion'
    conclusion: i could have found more impacts of tourism at some locations- affects confidence