Digestive system

Cards (17)

  • Mouth chews food and adds salive to break down food
  • Oesophagus travels food down to stomach through petestalsis
  • Stomach releases stomach acids to breakdown food
  • Liver produces bile
  • Gall bladder stores bile
  • Pancreas releases enzymes
  • Small intestine absorbs nutrients into blood stream
  • Large intestine absorbs water
  • Bile raises ph scale of small intestine to optimum for lipase activity
  • Ingestion is when food is taken in through the mouth
  • Digestion is when large molecules are broken into small by enzymes
  • Egestion is food being removed from body
  • In the small intestine small soluable molecules are absorbed into the blood
  • Bile breaks down large fat droplets into small by emulsifying it also increases surface area for enzyme action
  • Bile neutralises stomach acids which is carried by the food coming down from mouth
  • Bile duct carries bile from the gall bladder to small intestine
  • Epiglottis stops food from going down trachea