
Cards (52)

  • Data Structures
    • Arrays
    • Records
    • Lists
    • Tuples
    • Linked List
    • Graphs
    • Stack
    • Queue
    • Tree
    • Binary Search Tree
    • Hash Table
  • Traversing data structures
    1. Adding data
    2. Removing data
  • Arrays
    An ordered, finite set of elements of a single type
  • 1D array
    • oneDimensionalArray = [1, 23, 12, 14, 16, 29, 12]
  • 2D array
    • Visualised as a table or spreadsheet
    • Searched by going down the rows and then across the columns
  • 2D array
    • twoDimensionalArray = [[123, 28, 90, 38, 88, 23, 47],[1, 23, 12, 14, 16, 29, 12]]
  • 3D array
    • Visualised as a multi-page spreadsheet
    • Selecting an element requires the syntax threeDimensionalArray[z,y,x]
  • 3D array

    • threeDimensionalArray = [[[12,8],[9,6,19]],[[241,89,4,1],[19,2]]]
  • Records
    More commonly referred to as a row in a file, made up of fields
  • Record declaration
    • fighterDataType = record integer ID string FirstName string Surname end record
  • Lists
    A data structure consisting of a number of ordered items where the items can occur more than once
  • Lists
    • Values are stored non-contiguously
    • Can contain elements of more than one data type
  • List Operations
    • isEmpty()
    • append(value)
    • remove(value)
    • search(value)
    • length()
    • index(value)
    • insert(position, value)
    • pop()
    • pop(position)
  • Tuples
    An ordered set of values of any type that cannot be changed
  • Tuple
    • tupleExample = ("Value1", 2, "Value3")
  • Linked Lists
    A dynamic data structure used to hold an ordered sequence where the items do not have to be in contiguous data locations
  • Linked Lists
    • Each item is called a node and contains a data field and a pointer field
    • Stores the index of the first item and the index of the next available space
  • Adding to a Linked List
    1. Add the new value to the end and update the 'NextFree' pointer
    2. Update the pointer field of the previous node to point to the new node
    3. Update the pointer field of the new node to point to the next node
  • Removing from a Linked List
    Update the pointer field of the previous node to bypass the deleted node
  • Linked Lists
    • Wastes memory as deleted nodes are not truly removed
    • Require more memory to store pointers compared to arrays
    • Items can only be traversed in sequence, cannot be directly accessed
  • Graphs
    A set of vertices/nodes connected by edges/arcs
  • Graph Types
    • Directed Graph
    • Undirected Graph
    • Weighted Graph
  • Adjacency Matrix
    A way for computers to process graphs
  • Adjacency Matrix
    • A - 4 18 12 -
    B 4 - 5 - 8
    C 18 5 - 5 -
    D 12 - - - 3
    E - 8 - 3 -
  • Adjacency List

    A way for computers to process graphs
  • Adjacency List
    • A -> {B:4, C:18, D:12}
    B -> {A:4, C:5, E:8}
    C -> {A:18, B:5, D:5}
    D -> {A:12, E:3}
    E -> {B:8, D:3}
  • Adjacency Matrix
    • Convenient to work with due to quicker access times
    • Easy to add nodes
  • Adjacency List
    • More space efficient for large, sparse networks
  • Stacks
    A last in first out (LIFO) data structure where items can only be added to or removed from the top
  • Stacks
    • Used to reverse an action, such as to go back a page in web browsers
    • Can be implemented as either a static or dynamic structure
  • Adjacency Matrix Advantages
    Convenient to work with due to quicker access times
  • Adjacency List Advantages
    More space efficient for large, sparse networks
  • Stacks
    A last in first out (LIFO) data structure. Items can only be added to or removed from the top of the stack.
  • Stacks are key data structures in computer science; they are used to reverse an action, such as to go back a page in web browsers. The 'undo' buttons that applications widely make use of also utilise stacks.
  • Static stacks
    Where the maximum size required is known in advance, static stacks are preferred, as they are easier to implement and make more efficient use of memory.
  • Stacks implemented using a pointer
    The pointer points to the top of the stack, where the next piece of data will be inserted.
  • Stack Operations
    • isEmpty()
    • push(value)
    • peek()
    • pop()
    • size()
    • isFull()
  • Queues
    A first in first out (FIFO) data structure; items are added to the end of the queue and are removed from the front of the queue.
  • Linear queue
    A data structure consisting of an array. Items are added into the next available space in the queue, starting from the front. Items are removed from the front of the queue.
  • Manipulating a queue
    1. enQueue(item)
    2. deQueue()