Cards (5)

  • what are the three ways to transport CO2 around the body?
    blood plasma
    attaching to haemoglobin (carbominohaemoglobin)
    carbonic acid
  • gas exchange at respiring tissues:
    • dissolved CO2 goes into blood plasma
    • In RBC:
    • CO2 + Hb --> HbCO2
    • CO2 + H2O --(CAH)--> H2CO3 --> HCO- + H+
    • O2 + HHb <-- HbO2
  • gas exchange at respiring tissues:
    CO2 + H2O --(CAH)--> H2CO3 --> HCO- + H+
    • CAH = catalyst and requires a cofactor to work (zinc)
    • HCO- = leaves the RBC
    • chloride ion enters
    • pH decreases (acidity decreases), H+ concentration increases
  • Chloride shift: replaces ions lost to keep the charge stable
  • gas exchange at respiring tissues:
    O2 + HHb <-- HbO2
    • less affinity for oxygen
    • haemoglobic acid