Teleology is the idea that things exist because of their effect or function.
For example, the functionalist claim that the family exists because children need to be socialised is teleological – it explains the existence of the family in terms of its effect.
critics argue that a real explanation of something is one that identifies its cause
functionalism only explains something in terms of its effect not the cause
action perspective criticisms
Wrong (1961) criticises functionalism’s ‘over-socialised’ or deterministic view of the individual.
individuals are not puppets
take the opposite view of society - individuals create society by their interactions
postmodernist criticisms
argue that functionalism assumes that society is stable and orderly.
As such, it cannot account for the diversity and instability in today’s postmodern society.
see functionalism as an outdated perspective, we have now moved from modern to postmodern society so functionalist views no longer apply