genes and chromosomes

Cards (7)

  • genetics
    The DNA code of an individual. They determine traits and are inherited from generations.
  • Chromosomes
    String of DNA condensed into structures called chromosomes
  • Chromosomes in Body Cells
    Humans have 46 chromosomes and are 'home' to sections of DNA
  • Chromosomes in Sex Cells
    Egg and Sperm cells have 23 chromosomes each
  • Number of Chromosomes in a Set
    46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs, with one set inherited from each parent
  • Autosomal Chromosomes and Sex Chromosomes
    Autosomal chromosomes not involved in determining individuals sex and humans have 22 pairs.

    Sex chromosomes determine the individuals sex and humans have one pair.
  • Sex Determination in Humans
    Represented with 'X and Y'. XX = Female, XY = Male.