
Cards (12)

  • 5 minutes without oxygen can cause permanent damage.
  • Brain is not fully formed till you are 25 years old.
  • Neuroplasticity - the brain's ability to change and adapt throughout life. Key to rehabilitating brain injury
  • Cognition - the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.
  • Subjective Data - What we are told. e.g. From patient, family & friends, carers and health professionals.
  • Objective Data - Data that is gathered through observation and experimentation. e.g. ABCD, Vital signs, Pathophysiology and imaging MRI, CT, ultrasounds.
  • Neurological Subjective Data - Health history = Pain involving head or nerve related (burning), Altered sensation – numbness, tingling. Altered function – weakness, incoordination. Speech, memory. Dizziness, seizures. Head injury/surgery and medication.
  • Neurological Objective Data - Inspection – Alertness, symmetry, trauma, colour/texture, lesions/tumours/scars.
  • CNS Data - Mental status – level of consciousness, orientation. Cranial nerves – symmetry of face, smile, poke out tongue, puff cheeks.
  • PNS Objective Data = Motor system – strength, equal movement arms and legs, sensory system - sensation and reflexes.
  • Neurological assessment consists of: Level of Consciousness (Glasgow Coma Scale) + Motor response (strength right = left) + Pupil response (size, PEARLA) + Vital Signs (Temp, Pulse, BP, RR).
  • Assessment of CNS: Mental Status -Level of Consciousness = level of awareness of self & the environment. 3 levels of assessment: Eyes Opening, Best Verbal and motor response.