25thApril2015, 7.8Mw earthquake, population - 0.25 million, life expectancy - 69 years, GDP 2010 USD 18.25 billion
Situated where the Indo-Australian plate meets the Eurasian plate, liquefaction is a major hazard due to there being lots of soft sediment in the lakes
Over 600,000 houses were destroyed and around 800,000 people were displaced
27,000 classrooms destroyed and 3 million made homeless
Rice seed ruined, causing food shortages and income loss
Ghodatabela was covered in material, the landslide killed 250 people
9000 killed, 22,000 injured
More than 25% of Nepal's population was affected by the event and its aftermath, hospitals were overwhelmed
A loss of USD 5 billion, loss of productivity in the workforce cost £350 million, foreign tourist arrivals dropped by a third
Landslides and avalanches destroyed forests and farmlands, carcasses and debris contaminated water sources, landslides increased risk of flooding
Landslides can be managed - afforestation programmes can stabilise slopes
The National Society for Earthquake Technology is a Nepalese NGO - they map high risk shake zones, introduce building codes and organise an annual Earthquake Awareness Day
USAID trained over 900 locals to build earthquake-resistant buildings
The UN and EU, Indonesia, Japan, the UK, and NGOs such as the Red Cross, Christian Aid and Shelter were also involved (over 330 agencies)