Humanistic Approach

Cards (5)

  • The humanistic approach emphases that human beings are self determining and have free will of their own choices that determine their outcomes rather than external factors out of your control.
  • Maslow's hierarchy of needs
    A hierarchy of needs that motivate our behaviors.
    1)Self-actualization (to fulfill your full potential.)
    3)Love & Belonging
    5)physiological needs
  • For personal growth to be achieved, the the way you see yourself and your ideal self must be broadly the same. (This is called congruence.)
    ->In order to the bridge the gap between the self and the ideal self, client-centered therapy was invented. They help you with the problems in your life and how you could overcome them.
  • For example, problems faced in client centered therapy would be feelings of worthlessness and low self-esteem caused by lack of unconditional positiv4 regard from parents. A parent who sets boundaries on their love for their children. For example, "I will only love you if you study medicine." (Conditions of worth.)
  • Evaluations
    Limitation) Cultural bias
    Self actualization may not be the thing some collectivists cultures advocate because the needs of the group always come before your own.
    Strength) A very optimistic approach, emphasizing the positive image of human psychology and how people work to achieve their full potential. Whereas, Freud takes he stance that humans are prisoners of their past living between common unhappiness and despair.>