
Cards (8)

  • hegemony
    • ideological and moral leadership of society
    • He argues that the proletariat must develop its own ‘counter-hegemony’ to win the leadership of society from the bourgeoisie.
  • Gramsci sees the ruling class maintaining its dominance over society in two ways:
    1. Coercion: it uses the army, police, prisons and courts of the capitalist state to force other classes to accept its rule.Consent
    2. hegemony: it uses ideas and values to persuade the subordinate classes that its rule is legitimate.
  • argues the hegemony of ruling class is never complete for 2 reasons:
    1. ruling class are minority
    2. proletariate have a dual consciousness - not completely unaware of the exploitation they experience
    • Therefore there is always the possibility of ruling-class hegemony being undermined
  • a03 of Gramsci
    • accused of over-emphasising the role of ideas and under-emphasising the role of both state coercion and economic factors.
    • e.g workers may see through ruling class ideology but reluctant to overthrow due to fear of state oppression, may lose their job
  • gramsci ideas
    • humanistic marxist
    • hegemony
    • voluntarism
  • voluntarism
    • argues humans have free will.
    • They are active agents who make their own history.
    • Their consciousness and ideas are central in changing the world.
    • therefore, proletariat will eventually overthrow capitalism
  • socialism
    • argues Socialism will come about when people become conscious of the need to overthrow capitalism.
    • Encourages political action, believing the time is always ripe for revolution.
  • organic intellectuals
    • In Gramsci’s view, the working class can only win this battle for ideas by producing their own ‘organic intellectuals’.
    • means a body of class conscious workers, organised into a revolutionary political party, who are able to formulate an alternative vision of how society could be run in the future.