2. Times: Every month in the 1st year, Every 3 month of the 2nd and 3rd year, Each 6 month of 4th and 5th year, Yearly after the 6th year
3. Avoid touching painful areas until confidence has been gained
4. Begin exam without instruments
5. Allow child to determine order of exam if practical
6. Use the same format as adult physical exam
Infant Exam
1. Examine on parent lap
2. Leave diaper on
3. Comfort measures such as pacifier or bottle
4. Talk softly
5. Start with heart and lung sounds
6. Ear and throat exam last
Toddler Exam
1. Examine on parent lap if uncooperative
2. Use play therapy
3. Distract with stories
4. Let toddler play with equipment / BP
5. Call by name
6. Praise frequently
7. Quickly do exam
Bio-graphic Demographic: Name, Date of Birth, Age, Parents & siblings info, Cultural practices, Religious practices, Parents' occupations, Adolescent – work info
Past Medical History: Allergies, Past illness, Trauma / hospitalizations, Surgeries, Birth history, Developmental, Family Medical/Genetics
Current Health Status: Immunization Status, Chronic illnesses or conditions, What concerns do you have today?
Stethoscope & Sphygmomanometer
Pen Light
Otoscope / Opthalmoscope
Review of Systems
1. Ask questions about each system
2. Measurements: weight, height, head circumference, growth chart, BMI
Neck: Structure, movement, trachea, thyroid, vessels and lymph nodes
Eyes: Vision, placement, external and internal fundoscopic exam
Ears: Hearing, external, ear canal and otoscopic exam of tympanic membrane
Nose: Structure, exudate, sinuses
Mouth: Structures of mouth, teeth and pharynx
Shape: "NormoCephalic – ATraumatic"
? Edema
Head: Key Points
Head Circumference (HC)
Fontannels/sutures: Anterior closes at 10-18 months, posterior by 2 months
Symmetry & shape: Face & skull
Bruits: Temporal bruits may be significant after 5 yrs
Hair: Patterns, loss, hygiene, pediculosis in school aged child
Sinuses: Palpate for tenderness in older children
Facial expression: Sadness, signs of abuse, allergy, fatigue
Abnormal facies: "Diagnostic facies" of common syndromes or illnesses
Neuro Assessment
LOC / Glasgow coma scale
Pupil size
Vital Signs
Seizure Activity
Focal Deficits
Bacterial Meningitis: Clinical Manifestations in an Older Child
High fever
LOC Changes / GCS
Nuchal rigidity / stiff neck
+ Kernigs = inability to extend legs
+ Brudzinski sign = flexion of hips when neck is flexed
Purple rash (check for blanching)
"Looks Sick"
Red Reflex
Corneal Light Reflex
Strabismus: Alignment of eye important due to correlation with brain development, May need to corrected surgically, Preschoolers should have vision screening, Refer to ophthalmologist is there are concerns
Eyes: Key Points
Vision: Red reflex & blink in neonate
Examine external structure of the: Conjunctiva, Sclera, Cornea, pupils, Iris
Snellen chart for older children
Irritations & infections
Amblyopia (lazy eye): Corneal light reflex, binocular vision, cover-uncover test
Ears: Key Points
Ask about hearing concerns
Inquire about infant's response to
Observe an older infant's/toddlers speech pattern
Inspect the ears: Assess the shape of the ears, Determine if both ears are well formed, Assess External shape and size, Pinna: line, low set ear (retardation), Internal structure
Ear Exam
Pinna is pulled down and back to straighten ear canal in children under 3 years
Common Ear Infections
Otitis Media: Most common reason children come to the pediatrician or emergency room, Fever or tugging at ear, Often increases at night when they are sleeping, History of cold or congestion, Infection can lead to rupture of ear drum, Chronic effusion can lead to hearing loss, OM is often a contributing factor in more serious infections: mastoiditis, cellulitis, meningitis, bacteremia, Chronic ear effusion in the early years may lead to decreased hearing and speech problems