abnormality definitions

Cards (6)

  • deviation from social norms:
    explicit-laws of society
    implict-“agreed rules” of society
  • statistical infrequency-statistically rare behaviour is abnormal, the further away from the mean the more abnormality
  • failure to function adequately- the more criteria met the more likely for diagnosis,Rosenhan and Siegman
  • failure to function adequately criteria:
    -unconventilaity of behaviour
    -observer discomfort
    -severe personal distress
    -irrational behaviour which may cause danger to self or others
    -violatiby social or moral standards
  • deviation from ideal mental health-we diegine psychical health from looking at what is different from ideal psychical health so we should consider a similar approach for mental health,Jahoda
  • Criteria of ideal mental health,Jahoda:
    -Resistance to stress (coping mechanisms with stress)
    -Accurate perception of reality
    -Personal autonomy (independence)
    -Positive attitude to self
    -Adapation to environment (change)
    -Seof actualisation (full potential)