Lorenz (Animal studies)

Cards (17)

  • What animal did Lorenz study in his imprinting study?
  • What was the procedure in Lorenz's study?
    Randomly divided goose eggs, half were hatched with the mother goose and half were hatched in an incubator where the first moving object they saw was Lorenz
  • What was the first group in Lorenz's study?
    Eggs hatched with mother
  • What was the second group in Lorenz's study?
    Eggs hatched in incubator
  • Which group followed Lorenz everywhere?
    Incubator group
  • Which group followed the mother goose everywhere?
    Control group
  • Which group was the control group in Lorenz's study?
    Hatched with mother
  • What happened when the two groups were mixed up?
    The control group continued to follow the mother goose and the incubator group continued following Lorenz
  • What is imprinting?
    Where birds attach to and follow the first moving object they see
  • What critical period did Lorenz identify?
    A few hours
  • What did Lorenz suggest happens if imprinting does not occur within the critical period?
    No attachment at all
  • What did Lorenz also investigate alongside imprinting?
    Sexual imprinting
  • What did Lorenz observe in terms of sexual imprinting?
    Birds imprinted on a human would later display courtship behaviour towards humans
  • What was the procedure in Lorenz's case study on sexual imprinting?
    Peacock reared with tortoises
  • What was the findings in Lorenz's case study on sexual imprinting?
    Peacock would only direct courtship behaviour towards tortoises
  • Strength: Lorenz
    What? Research support
    Who? Regolin and Vallortigara - chicks followed shapes when moved in front of them
    Why? Supports imprinting in a critical period
  • Limitation: Lorenz
    What? Generalisability to humans
    Who? Mammalian attachment system different to birds (two-way)
    Why? Inappropriate to generalise