Harlow (Animal studies)

Cards (13)

  • What did Harlow observe?
    Rhesus monkeys
  • What was the procedure in Harlow's study?
    Reared 16 baby monkeys with two 'wire' mothers
  • What were the two conditions in Harlow's study?
    1 . Milk dispensed by plain-wire mother
    2 . Milk dispensed by cloth-covered mother
  • What did Harlow find in his study?
    Baby monkeys cuddled the cloth-covered mother in preference to the plain-wire mother regardless of which dispensed milk
  • What did Harlow's findings show?
    'Contact comfort' is more important than food
  • How did Harlow study maternal deprivation in the monkeys?
    Followed the monkeys into adulthood
  • Which monkeys were the most dysfunctional after Harlow's study?
    Those reared with plain-wire mothers
  • Why were those monkeys with plain-wire mothers most dysfunctional after Harlow's study?
    They'd been maternally deprived
  • What were the consequences of maternal deprivation on the monkeys observed by Harlow?
    Aggressive, less sociable, bred less, neglected their children, attacked their children
  • When did Harlow suggest the critical period was?
    90 days
  • What did Harlow suggest would happen if an attachment was not formed after the critical period?
    Irreversible effects - impossible
  • Strength: Harlow
    What? Real-world applications
    Who? Social workers - lack of bonding = risk
    Importance of attachment figures for monkeys in zoos
    Why? Theoretical and practical value
  • Limitation: Harlow
    What? Lack of generalisability
    Who? Human brain/behaviour more complex than monkeys
    Why? Innapropriate