gender stats

Cards (18)

  • 95% offenders are male
  • around 80% of all reported and record crime is committed by men
  • Three out of four convicted offenders in England and Wales are male.
  • By the age of 40, 9% of females have a criminal conviction, as against 32% of males.
  • A higher proportion of female than male offenders are convicted of property offences (except burglary).
  • A higher proportion of male than female offenders are convicted of violence or sexual offences.
  • men are about 15 times more likely to be convicted of homicide.
  • chivalry thesis
    • Females are more likely than males to be released on bail rather than remanded in custody.
    • Females are more likely than males to receive a fine or a community sentence, and less likely to be sent to prison.
    • Only one in nine female offenders receive a prison sentence for shoplifting, but one in five males.
  • statistics against the chivalry thesis
    • Box - review of British and American self-report studies concludes that women who commit serious offences are not treated more favourably than men.
    • Yearnshire - found that a woman typically suffers 35 assaults before reporting domestic violence. shows men not always lenient towards women
  • CSEW 2012 - 70% Homicide victims are male
  • CSEW 2012 More women are victims of intimate violence (domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking). One in four will experience domestic abuse during their adult life.
  • Only 8% of females who had experienced serious sexual assault reported it. 
  • victim surveys such as by Lea and Young (1993) have found that women are in fact at greater risk than men.
  • A03 Of victim surveys
    • validity - victims may give honest answers, due to fear of perpetrator finding out
    • do not necessarily convey the frequency or severity of the victimisation
  • violent crimes
    • 81% committed by males in 2019
    • 12% by females
    • 7% combination of males and female
  • robbery
    • 89% by males
    • 5% by females
    • over 1/2 committed by 16-24 year olds
  • criminal damage
    • 72% male
    • 15% female
  • victimisation
    CSEW 2019 - 19.7% males were victim of crime
    18.9% female victims