modernity and globalisation

Cards (14)

  • hyper globalists

    See globalisation as a positive feature of society
  • pessimistic globalists

    See globalisation as damaging and dangerous
  • strinati
    argues media is a global industry and creates global culture
  • mcluhan
    global village
    idea that through global communications we have neighbours all around the world
  • modern industry, production is organised on forest principles - mass production of standardised products in factories using low skilled labour
    based on ford motor company system
  • modernity
    unit of production
    enlightenment project - focused on science and rationality
  • features of globalisation
    • tech changes - beck risk society - leads to dangers
    • global economy e.g contactless payment, Apple Pay
    • political changes
    • changes in culture and identity
  • Modern society first emerged in Western Europe from about the late 18th century.
  • characteristics of modern society
    • nation state - a bounded territory ruled by a powerful centralised state
    • capitalism - private ownership
    • rationality, science, technology - secular, scientific thinking dominate
    • individualism - experience greater personal freedom, however structural inequalities still occur
  • lash and urry - organised and disorganised capitalism
    • organised capitalism - where the nation-state regulates capitalism, maintaining conditions
    • disorganised capitalism - where nation-states no longer have control over capitalism due to rise of trans-national companies by globalisation
  • beck - risk society
    • tech changes meant that we are becoming increasingly more aware of the risks that come from human-made technology rather than natural disasters
  • economic changes
    • the global economy is increasingly a weightless/ electric economy
    • e.g contactless pay, Apple Pay, Spotify, Netflix, global 24 hour financial transactions
    • trans-national companies (TNCs) - Coca Cola, apple
    • leads to cultural imperialism, global capitalism
  • ohmae - political changes
    • argues that we now live in a ‘borderless world’ in which TNCs and consumers have more economic power than national governments. 
    • States are now less able to regulate the activities of large capitalist enterprises (disorganised capitalism)
  • changes in culture and identity
    • globalisation leads to cultural imperialism, where one culture in particular dominates local cultures
    • e.g western-owned media companies spread western culture to the rest of the world
    • ritzier - mcdonalisation