Chemistry Paper 2

Cards (39)

  • rate of reaction is change in quantity divided by time
  • hydrochloric acid + sodium thiosulfate = cloudy white
  • increasing rate of reaction:
    • increase surface area
    • increase temperature
    • use a catalyst
  • gradient is the rate of reaction
  • Le Chatelier's principle: If a system is in equilibrium, any change in the conditions will result in a change in the position of equilibrium
  • When equilibrium is reached, the overall quantity of both sides will not change, unless:
    • you increase pressure
    • change concentration
    • change temperatute
  • increasing temperature favours endothermic as heat is needed
  • one direction is always endothermic and the other is exothermic
  • crude oil is made from plankton buried underwater and compressed for a while
  • hydrocarbons consist of only hydrogen and carbon
  • the two types of hydrocarbon are alkane and alkene
  • alkenes have double bonds
  • alkanes are made up of single covalently bonded carbon atoms surrounded by hydrogen
  • alkanes are saturated
  • alkenes are unsaturated
  • methane - 1 carbon
  • ethane - 2 carbon
  • propane - 3 carbon
  • butane - 4 carbon
  • general formula for alkanes: Cn H2n + 2
  • the hydrocarbons in crude oil must be separated before use
  • the fractionating column gets colder as you get higher
  • longer alkanes have higher boiling points due to more energy to break stronger intermolecular forces, so they recondense lower down the column
  • LPG
    Heavy fuel
  • complete combustion =
    fuel + oxygen > carbon dioxide + water
  • incomplete combustion
    fuel + oxygen > carbon monoxide + water
  • longer alkanes have higher viscosity
  • shorter alkanes are more flammable
  • hydrocarbons can also be use to make solvents lubricants detergents and polymers
  • an alkene is a hydrocarbon with at least one double covalent bond
  • alkenes end with - ene
  • general formula for alkenes Cn H2n
  • alkene turn bromine water from orange to colourless
  • chlorine and iodine react similarly while water reacts with an alkene to form an alcohol
  • there is a greater demand for shorter alkanes compared to longer ones
  • cracking is used to breakdown longer alkanes into shorter alkanes
  • we use an alkene to break down alkanes
  • catalytic cracking uses a zeolite catalyst at 550
  • steam cracking uses no catalyst and at higher temperatures