group 7- The Halogens

Cards (3)

  • Fluorine- pale green gas
    chlorine- green/yellow gas
    bromine- orange liquid
    iodine- grey/black solid, purple vapour
    mp &bp decrease
    density increases- atoms get closer together
    reactivity decrease- outer shell gets further, difficult to gain 1 electro to complete shell
  • displacement reactions
    a halogen high up in group 7 will displace one lower than it within the group
    e.g chlorine will displace bromine
  • reaction w iron wool
    done in a fume cupboard cus gases are toxic
    fluorine- reacts instantly w warm iron wool
    chlorine- reacts quickly w heated iron wool
    bromine- reacts slowly w heated iron wool
    iodine- reacts very slowly with strongly heated iron wool