a group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring
biodiversity means

the degree of variation that exists among all living organisms on earth
a niche is

the role an organism plays in a community
biotic factors can affect the...

distribution of an ecosystem
examples of the affect biotic factors have on distribution: predation competition competition for resources competition for light
quadrats can be used to
estimate the size of a population
pitfall traps can be used for
hint- (C&C)

catching and counting
possible error for pitfall traps may include; flood, animals eating animals, number of organisms caught in one trap not representing ecosystem as a whole
light intensity can be measured using a
light meter
temp of soil can be measured using a
soil themometer
indicator species are

species that indicate levels of pollution by their presence or absence
soil moisture can be measured using a
moisture meter
soil PH can be measured using a
PH meter
light energy from the sun is trapped by chlorophyll in chloroplasts and is converted into chemical energy