beliefs and teachings

Cards (12)

  • personal sin is when a person acts against God's will, damagingbtehir relationship with God
  • salvation is the idea that Jesus saved us from sin and death through his death
  • omnipotent - all powerful
  • omniscient - all knowing
  • omnibenevolent - all loving
  • evil is a morally bad action or intention often resulting in moral suffering
  • moral suffering is pain caused by a deliberate action
  • what is the original sin?
    when Adam and Eve first sinned against god through eating the apple. humankind inherited that sin through reproduction
  • grace is a gift from god that can save us
  • how can we receive god's grace?
    through the bible, Holy Spirit and sacraments
  • dominio - we were given rule over the eart
  • stewardship - we are to look after the environment and the world