Cards (5)

  • Themes
    • Loss
    • Memory
    • Absence
    • Class divisions
    • Identity
    • Generation gaps
  • Structure
    • A reader’s initial impression when they first see the poem is potentially one of intimidation, or a sense of being overwhelmed, as a result of the long single stanza which makes up the poem.
    • As such, a reader may interpret this as a representation of the huge range of ‘Effects’ that occur and need to be considered, potentially coming to this viewpoint before even reading a single word from the poem. Alternatively they may, which is likely to be even more effective because it can be related directly to the descriptions in order to create more empathy.
  • “I held her hand, that was always scarred”

    • The alliteration of the ‘h’ sound in the opening of this sentence would be quite effective as it is at the very beginning of the poem, perhaps being interpreted as demonstrating a strong feeling of emotion.
    • The idea of something being “always scarred” is also emotive, and while it is given a greater sense of normality on the next line by being linked to work in the kitchen preparing meals, it still would show the sense of sacrifice which the mother has made in order to help provide for others.
  • “the scotch // That, when he was alive, she wouldn’t touch”

    • The inclusion of alcohol would be effective due to its various significant connotations, particularly through how it is seen as being ‘off limits’ when her husband was alive.
    • This emphasises the sense of loss and the negative ways in which a death can impact an individual, perhaps indicating a similar reaction for the narrator by the end of the poem. It is also interesting to consider the use of “touch” because this action shows a very personal connection, a clear reminder of the distinctly human aspect of this poem.
  • “The last words she had said were Please don’t leave“
    • An already simple yet highly effective line is made even more important due to the italicised text so as to place additional audible and visual emphasis on the plea of the mother.
    • This is likely to be very effective for a reader because it is a natural desire that could easily be related to, but then mixed with the inevitable demands of everyday life, showing the hard decisions people regularly have to make.