Which of the following is an internal user of fianancial information?
Board of Directors
Creditor with long-term contract
Holder of Bonds
Board of Directors
Which of the following is not an enhancing qualitative characteristic?
The standards published by the IASB are called _.
International Financial ReportingStandards
In measuring financial performance, accrual accountig is used because _.
It recognizes revenue when cash is recieved
Cash flows are consideres less important
It iss one of the imlicit assumptions
It provides a better indication to generate cash flows than cash basis
Which term best describes information in financial statements that is neutral?
An item would be considered material when _.
The standard definition of materiality is met.
The impact on earnings is greater than 10%.
The expected benefit exceeds the additional cost
Omitting, misstating, or obscuring the information would make a difference to the primariy users
Financial accouting is concerned with_.
Speccial reports for inventory management
Special reports for income tax computation
General purpose on changes in share prices
General purpose of financial position and financial performance
The standard-setting includes the correct order
Research, exposure draft, discussion paper, and accounting standard
Research, discussion paper, exporsure draft, and accounting standard
Exposure draft, research, discssion paper, and accounting standard
Discussion papeer, reseach, exposure draft, and accounting standard
It is important to remember that the Conceptual Framework is NOT an International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS).
Nothing in the Conceptual Framework overrides any specific IFRS.
If a conflict occurs and there is a fight over whether to use the Conceptual Framework and IFRS, the IFRS WINS and prevails over the Conceptual Framework.
Are the basic notions or fundamental premises on which the accounting process is based. It is also known as Postulates.
Accounting Assumptions
The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting mentions only one assumption namely Going Concern.
However, implicit in accounting are the basic assumptions of Accounting Entity, Time Period, and Monetary Unit.
CPA's are licensed by _.
The City Government
State government
State Government
4 Basic Accounting Assumptions are:
Going Concern
Time Period
Accounting Entity / Business Entity
Monetary Unit
To help the IASB to develop IFRS Standards based on consistent concepts.
To help the preparers to have a consistent accounting policy when there is no standard that applies in a transaction or where there is no issue yet addressed by an IFRS.
To help preparers to develop a accounting policy when they are allowed to.
To help all parties and users understand and interret the IFRS Standard.
Purpose of Revised Conceptual Framework
It is a complete, comprehensive, and single document promulgated by the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB)
Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
States that the business is VIEWED as Continuing in operation indefinitely.
Going Concern
States that the entity is SEPARATE from the owner, manager, an employees who constitute the entity.
Accounting Entity
Requires that the indefinite life of the entity is subdivided into time periods or accounting periods which are usually equal length for the purpose of preparing financial reports on financial position, performance, and cash flows.
Time Period
Every entity shall be EXPRESSED in terms of currency. Here in the Philippines, we use pesos.
Monetary Unit
Users that are existing and potential investors, lenders, and other creditors.
Primary Users
Users that are employees, customers, governments and their agencies, and the public.
Secondary Users
They are concerned in the inherent risk in and return providedby their investments.
Existing and Potential Investors
They are interested in financial information to determine whether the loans, interests, and other costs will be paid on due date.
Lenders and other Creditors
They are interested in information about the stability and profitability of the entity.
They are interested in the information about the continuance if the entity especially of they have a long-term involvement or are dependent on the entity.
They are interested in the allocation of resources and the activities of the entity.
Government and their Agencies
They affect the firm in many ways such as employing people from a community and patronizing their suppliers.
Assets are economic resources while liabilities and equity are the claim against it.
Liquidity is the availability of cash in the near future to cover currently maturing obligations.
Solvency is the availability of cash over a long term to meet financial commitments when they fall due.
In layman’s terms, under the ACCRUALBASIS, the effect of the transaction is recognized when they occur and not as cash is received or paid