c7 - organic chemistry

Cards (19)

  • crude oil is a mixture
  • what is a hydrocarbon?
    a molecule containing only carbon and hydrogen atoms
  • what is the process used to separate hydrocarbons?
    fractional distillation
  • fractions of crude oil are molecules that have a similar number of carbon atoms
  • fractional distillation: hydrocarbons will evaporate and condense at different temperatures
  • why do hydrocarbons have different boiling points?
    because they have a different number of carbon atoms
  • as hydrocarbons get bigger, their viscosty increases
  • what are the products of complete combustion?
    carbon dioxide and water
  • what is cracking?
    when hydrocarbons are broken down into smaller, more useful molecules
  • what is the test for alkenes ?
    they will turn brome water from orange to colourless
  • alkenes are used as the starting point for polymers
  • viscosity is how thick and easily poured a substance is, high viscosity means thick
  • in alkanes, carbon atoms bond to four hydrogen atoms. they are saturated as all of there bonds with other atoms are single bonds
  • alkanes are used as fuels as they combust quite easily
  • the formula for alkanes is Cn H2n+2
  • in alkenes, one carbon atom will bond to two hydrogen atoms
  • alkenes are unsaturated as they contain double bonds. they are more reactive than alkanes
  • the formula for alkenes is Cn H2n+2
  • volatility is how easily a compound evaporates . a compound with a low boiling point has a high volatility