Advantages and disadvantages

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  • Benefits of budgeting
    • Budgets can be motivating-they give employees targets to work towards
    • Budgets help control income and expenditure
    • Budgeting helps managers to review their activities and make decisions
    • Budgeting helps focus on the priorities
    • Budgets can be used as a communication tool to share information, e.g. about how money is being spent
    • Budgets let departments coordinate spending
    • Budgets help persuade investors that the business will be successful
  • Drawbacks of budgeting
    • Budgeting can cause resentment and rivalry if departments have to compete for money
    • Budgets can be restrictive. Fixed budgets stop firms responding to changing market conditions
    • Budgeting is time-consuming. Managers can be preoccupied with setting and reviewing budgets and forget to focus on the real issues of winning business and understanding the customer
    • Inflation is hard to predict-some prices can change by levels much greater than average
    • Start-up businesses may struggle to get data from other firms, so the budget may be inaccurate